
Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust presents ‘Can We Ever Really See Each Other?’, a new exhibition by Nicola Gunwhy for Galway International Arts Festival 2017. The exhibition will be launched by Sinéad Gleeson on Wednesday 19 July at 6.30pm on the Arts Corridor, University Hospital Galway.
Nicola Gunwhy was born in Liverpool and now lives and works in Galway. Alongside her own art practice, Nicola trained as a clinical psychologist and worked in healthcare, completing her Doctorate on children’s experiences of illness. In this exhibition of photography and installation, drawing upon her personal and professional experience of chronic health conditions, she is interested in the intersection between arts and health. Nicola is interested in both individual and societal perceptions of illness and the social construction of diagnoses.
‘My work aims to explore women’s evolving relationship to their current state of health, their own bodies, and how they make sense of this shifting dynamic. How does this impact on her identity and the place she occupies in society? What happens when a woman develops an illness and her body becomes a negotiated space between herself and the medical setting that resides over it?’ – Nicola Gunwhy
Sinéad Gleeson’s essays have appeared in Granta, Winter Papers, Gorse and Banshee. Her short story ‘Counting Bridges’ was longlisted at the 2016 Irish Book Awards. She is the editor of three short anthologies, including the award-winning collections The Long Gaze Back: an Anthology of Irish Women Writers (2015) and The Glass Shore: Short Stories by Women Writers from the North of Ireland (2016). Currently, she is working on a collection of non-fiction, and is also collaborating with the writer Doireann Ní Ghríofa on an abecedarium of fiction, poetry and essays themed around the body. She presents The Book Show on RTÉ Radio 1.
Galway International Arts Festival 2017 runs until 30 July.