The fourth European Healthcare Design Congress and Exhibition has issued a call for papers on the theme of ‘Utopia or dystopia? Visioning the future of health’. The deadline for abstracts is 8 December 2017. 

European Healthcare Design 2018 (EHD 2018) is the fourth global forum for the exchange of knowledge on the relationship between research and health policy and practice within the field of healthcare design. Organised by Architects for Health and SALUS Global Knowledge Exchange, the congress and exhibition will take place at the Royal College of Physicians, London, from 11–13 June 2018.

Authors are invited to submit abstracts of 400 words in English for any of the following:

  • themed paper
  • poster
  • workshop
  • colloquium.

Application details here.

For information on EHD 2018 visit europeanhealthcaredesign2018


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