Arts and Mental Health: The similarities and differences between Arts Therapies and Arts Practices is the latest webinar from the RSPH Arts, Health and Wellbeing Webinar Series. Taking place on Tuesday 9 January 2018 at 1pm GMT,  the webinar will be chaired by Theo Stickley, University of Nottingham, with speakers Beth Elliott, Director, Bethlem Gallery and Susan Hogan, Director, the Arts and Health Centre of Excellence. 

Arts practice has been evident in mental health care for a long time. Especially after the Second World War, the Arts Therapies emerged as a way of helping soldiers to heal from the traumas they experienced at war. Arts therapies have become recognised around the world as a form of treatment for mental distress.

From the 1960s onwards, a movement emerged that became described as “community arts”. These were led by artists rather than arts therapists and were less about “therapy” and more about creative collaboration within communities. Over a similar period, the focus of mental health-care provision shifted from hospitals to communities. Participatory arts emerged as an approach that might promote health (including mental health) within healthcare settings and within local communities.

This free webinar looks at arts practice developed around the Bethlem Hospital and by way of contrast, also discusses the role of arts therapies. By doing so, we are seeking to help understanding of the similarities and differences of different approaches to arts and mental health.

Register for the webinar here:

This webinar is supported by the Sidney De Haan Research Centre.


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