The Arts and Health research cluster, based at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance in the University of Limerick, facilitates collaborative research between arts and health disciplines. The cluster is hosting a series of spring events including a Health Humanities symposium, a music therapy research day and guest music performances.

Events for Spring 2018 

  • Thursday 1 March: Lunchtime concert by The Claddagh Rogues in IWAMD. The Claddagh Rogues were born from an artist-in-resident project at the Cork Simon Community in 2007 and perform songs that speak openly of homelessness, addiction, mental health difficulties and recovery.
  • Thursday 22 March (11-1): Arts and health research cluster meeting and lunch. Guest speaker: Prof Des O’Neill, Geriatrician and Chair of the TCD Medical/Health Humanities group. This will be followed at 1.15 by a performance of ‘…therefore I am’ by Ian Wilson. Wilson was in residence at Tallaght Hospital and wrote this piece reflecting on the experience of meeting and shadowing people with dementia. The work is for saxophone, violin, viola and double bass and will be performed by members of the Irish Chamber Orchestra.
  • Friday 4 May: “Transitioning Embodiments in Health Humanities” symposium. Dr Yianna Liatsos (School of Culture and Communication) is organising this one-day interdisciplinary symposium in the field of Health Humanities with support from IWAMD (Dr Hilary Moss), Law (Dr Lydia Bracken and John Lombard) and GEMS (Dr Antonia O’Keeffe). Prof Paul Crawford, author of the book Health Humanities, will be one of the keynote speakers. More details to follow.
  • Thursday 11 May: Music therapy research day with Prof Barbara Wheeler as keynote speaker. More details to follow.

For further information on the Arts and Health research cluster visit

Updates via the Twitter feed of Dr Hilary Moss, cluster lead @HMoss_artshealth


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