The Cork University Hospital (CUH) Arts Committee invites HSE staff musicians at CUH, and from local HSE health centres and offices, to join a traditional music group based at CUH.
The group will meet monthly and may work towards a performance for the Bealtaine Festival, celebrating creativity as we age, in May at the Cardiac Renal Centre Atrium.
How to participate
- Email artscoord.cuh@hse.ie with ‘Trad Group’ in the subject line to indicate interest in participating and you will be sent a registration form.
- Attend a once a month workshop on a scheduled Saturday.
- Musicians will need to have basic knowledge of their instruments.
- Musicians must play Irish melody instruments such a violin, tin whistle etc. No percussion instruments.
- Participants will pay a small fee to cover the costs of the music facilitator.
For more information, contact Edelle Nolan, Arts & Health Co-Ordinator CUH Campus: Mobile: 086-7714617 | Email: artscoord.cuh@hse.ie