University of Limerick will host a symposium on Transitioning Embodiments in Health Humanities on 4 May 2018. The symposium will bring together Irish and international scholars from the disciplines of Cultural Studies, Law, Literature, Medicine, Music, Philosophy and Psychology, to discuss the experience and representation of embodiment in the context of transition, especially as it is associated with the journeys of the human form across terrains of health and illness.
This event is supported by the School of English, Irish and Communication, the Graduate Entry Medical School, the School of Law, and the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick, as well as the Irish Research Council sponsored workshop Health Research Futures Lab.
Symposium Programme
08:30: Registration/ Coffee
09:15: Welcome and Opening Address
09:30-11:00: PANEL I
Dr John Lombard, School of Law, University of Limerick
“Law and the Contemporary Ars Moriendi”
Martin Dyar, University of Limerick Arts Council Writer in Residence Fellow
“Creative Writing in Medical Education”
Prof Femi Oyebode, Department of Psychiatry, University of Birmingham
“Embodiment in Kafka’s Letter to Father: Texts for Health Humanities”
11:00: Coffee
11:30-12:45: KEYNOTE ADDRESS I
Prof Havi Carel, Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol
“Illness and Transplantation as Transformative Experience”
12:45: Lunch, Millstream Common Room
13:45-15:15: PANEL II
Dr Hilary Moss, Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, UL
“Music at the End of Life: Transcendence, Beauty and Hope in Palliative Care”
Professor James O’Hare, Graduate Entry Medical School, UL
“Creativity and Professionalism: What we have Learned from Medical Student Arts Projects at UL GEMS”
Dr Antonia O’Keeffe, Postgraduate trainee in Psychiatry, UL
“Viewing the Body In Time Through Painting: a Doctor’s Perspective”
15:15-15:45: Coffee
Prof Paul Crawford, School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham
“Creative Practice as Mutual Recovery”
This event is free and registration is via Eventbrite: