
Kildare County Council Arts Service will host a Dance & Health Seminar for dance and healthcare professionals on 19-20 July 2018 as part of its Dance & Movement Summer School programme. This is the third, and last, in a series of Dance & Health Professional Development Events funded under the Arts Council’s Invitation to Collaboration Scheme 2017.
Participants will have the opportunity to develop their skills and grow professional networks by connecting with colleagues working in the field of dance and health. Featuring leading national and international experts, this event will comprise talks, panel discussions and workshops.
Speakers include:
- Peter Lewton-Brain (Belgium), Director of International Association of Dance Medicine & Science
- Clare Guss West (Switzerland), Co-founder of the European Dance & Creative Wellness Foundation
- Tim Joss (UK), CEO & Founder, Aesop
- Professor Desmond O’Neill (Ireland), Specialist in geriatric and stroke medicine, based in Tallaght Hospital & Trinity College Dublin
- Dr. Emily Jenkins (UK), Founder of Move Dance Feel
- Dr. Richard Coaten (UK), founder of the world’s first ‘Centre of Excellence in Movement Dance & Dementia’
- Dr. Ronan Collins (Ireland), Director of Stroke Services and Consultant in Geriatric and Stroke Medicine at Tallaght Hospital
- Dr. Jenny Elliot (Northern Ireland), Chief Executive at ArtsCare
- Dr. Hilary Moss (Ireland), Senior Lecturer in Music Therapy at the World Academy of Music & Dance, University of Limerick
Event Details
Date: 19-20 July 2018
Venue: Loftus Hall, South Campus, Maynooth University, Co. Kildare
Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm
Booking: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/kildare-dance-and-health-summer-school-2018-tickets-47017515655
Further information: Contact KCC Arts Service on 045 448328 / arts@kildarecoco.ie
Funded under The Arts Council’s Invitation to Collaboration Scheme 2017, this project is a partnership between Kildare, Kerry and Tipperary County Councils, and Dance Ireland.