Engage is the lead advocacy and training network for gallery education in the UK. The 2018 Engage Conference, A Social Prescription, will explore the intersection between arts, health, wellbeing and education. Hosted by the Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester, a centre for excellence in arts and health, the conference will take place from 13-14 November.
A Social Prescription will give an insight into the myriad ways in which practitioners are embracing the arts and health agenda, from rethinking urban planning and embracing Virtual Reality, to changing the ways in which clinicians are trained and how we measure wellbeing.
Insightful plenaries will focus on diverse approaches to community engagement and partnership working between arts and non-arts organisations.
Small parallel sessions delivered within an atmosphere of critical and supportive dialogue will enable delegates to learn about different aspects of arts and health work on the following three themes:
- Where and how we live, work and recover
- Wellbeing
- Re-education: artists and clinicians.
An ethics committee will discuss questions around wellbeing, collections and equalities in the gallery setting.
A speed mentoring session will offer delegates the opportunity to discuss professional issues – fast – with colleagues from across the sector.
Session contributors will also relate practical experience from a range of projects that support children and young people, older people, people with Dementia and those with physical and mental health conditions.
Programme and booking information: