
‘Can You See What I See?’ is a series of hand-painted illustrations by artist Caroline Hyland strongly informed by listening to people with dementia, and to those who support them; their families, friends and medical professionals. Taking an informative approach to the everyday, Caroline depicts supports she has learnt that may help someone to live well or a little better with dementia. ‘Can You See What I See?’ is currently being exhibited at Rua Red Arts Centre in Tallaght. An artist tour and talk will take place on Saturday 17 November 2018 at 2pm in Rua Red café.
The overall purpose of the series is to complement the existing dementia awareness campaigns and add to the general public’s knowledge of dementia so people can understand together and support each other. Feedback is welcomed and comments cards may be completed and returned to the comment box located beside the exhibition.
Caroline Hyland is an illustrator and Artist in Residence in the National Centre for Arts and Health, Tallaght University Hospital. She believes information can be made more accessible to people through the medium of visual art. A former Occupational Therapist in the intellectual disability services increased her interest in the area of dementia and she is passionate about seeing the person and not just the condition. Through her weekly bedside art sessions, voluntary opportunities and illustrative work, Caroline actively strives to highlight the importance of supporting people to maintain interests and stay engaged. She firmly believes people can and should be supported to live well with dementia.
Exhibition information
Dates: 7-29 November 2018
Venue: Café Wall, Rua Red, South Dublin Arts Centre
For further information on the artist or commission requests please contact carolinehyland@hotmail.com