
The arts and health research cluster at University of Limerick is hosting a number of events in spring 2019 including the Humanities & Medicine Seminar Series, the UL GEMS Medicine and the Humanities Exhibition and seminars on Music in Healthcare and Singing and the Body.
1. The Humanities & Medicine Seminar Series
Led by Dr Yianna Liatsos, the series continues this semester in UL. Seminars will be held from 1-2pm in the conference room of the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance (unless otherwise stated) and are open to all.
30 January 2019: Dr Maggie O’Neil (Gender ARC, UL) “Modernism and Medicine”
5 February 2019: Chris Larner (actor, writer, director). Chris is presenting his play, An Instinct for Kindness, at the Belltable from 6-7 February: https://www.limetreetheatre.ie/show/an-instinct-for-kindness/ Venue for this session: the Appeals Court in the Library, 2-3pm.
15 February 2019: Dr Carmen Kuhling (Sociology, UL) “Millennials and Wellbeing: Anxiety, Resilience and Precarious Work”
1 March 2019: Dr Kieran Keohane (Head of Department in Sociology at UCC)
12 March 2019: Dr Barry Lyons (Bioethics, School of Medicine, TCD) “Shame and Medicine”
5 April 5 2019: Dr Lydia Bracken (School of Law, UL) “Law and Assisted Human Reproduction”
For more information contact Yianna.liatsos@ul.ie or hilary.moss@ul.ie
2. The UL GEMS Medicine and the Humanities Exhibition
This exhibition showcases the works of Year 3 students as part of their Special Study Module. Over 120 submissions will be on display reflecting a range of themes that include the many facets of human life. The launch takes place at 1pm on 15 January in GEMS 0-028. The exhibition runs until 18 January.
3. Public seminars at the Irish World Academy
6 February, 5-6.30pm: Music in healthcare settings, multiple perspectives. With special guest Prof Gary Ansdell, leading academic and practitioner on music, health and wellbeing.
6 March, 5-6.30pm: Singing and the Body
For further information visit www.irishworldacademy.ie/artsandhealth/ or contact the chair of the Research Cluster, Dr Hilary Moss hilary.moss@ul.ie