
As part of Cork Traveller Pride 2019, a celebration of Traveller culture & ethnicity, a new artwork ‘Seek the happiness of Traveller Pride’ is being unveiled at Cork University Hospital on 28 May. The Traveller Pride Art Quilt celebrates Traveller identity and pride, depicting a horse as an enduring symbol of culture and pride. The quilt was created through a collaboration between Spring Lane Traveller Women’s Group and textile artist Mary Palmer.
The quilt, now part of the CUH art collection, will be on permanent display on the ground floor, near the lift lobby to the Dunmanway unit.
Cork Traveller Pride 2019 is a two-week festival celebrating Travellers as citizens of Cork and showcasing the many positive contributions that Irish Travellers bring to our city. The festival runs from 4-13 June alongside Traveller Pride events organised throughout the country. All events are free and all are welcome.
Cork Traveller Pride is organised by Cork Traveller Women’s Network and Cork Traveller Visibility Group, and supported by Triskel Arts Centre,
Carmel Winters and Eclipse Films, Cork Public Museum, Crawford Art Gallery, HSE Traveller Healthy Minds, HSE Traveller Health Unit Cork and Kerry, Cork City Council Social Inclusion Unit, and the Department of Justice and equality.
Download the festival programme here.