Public Health Panorama, the journal of the World Health Organisation Europe, will dedicate a special issue to arts and health in the WHO European Region in early 2020. A call for papers has been announced, underlining WHO/Europe’s growing engagement with the positive associations between the arts, health and wellbeing.

The journal seeks innovative examples of use of the arts in health settings. The arts and health issue of Panorama will aim to showcase:

  • leading examples of arts in health research and clinical practice programmes, interventions, and evaluations;
  • case studies where health policy-makers have implemented arts in health policies;
  • examples of good practice in arts and health at a country, regional or local level.

All submissions should be based in, or be relevant to, the WHO European Region and be able to demonstrate policy relevance, particularly in relation to global frameworks, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, or WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work. Where possible, submissions should also draw on mixed methods and/or multi- and interdisciplinary approaches from the health-related humanities and social sciences.

The special issue will help to consolidate the evidence base to further inform policy-makers of the value of the arts as an instrument in addressing key health and wellbeing challenges in the Region.

The deadline for submission is 21 October 2019.

For further information and guidelines for submitting papers visit,-march-2020-special-issue-deadline-for-submission-21-10-2019


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