Image shown: Model of the new children’s hospital

As part of Children’s Health Ireland’s (CHI) commitment to placing arts, creativity and imagination at the heart of the child’s and young person’s experience of their services, CHI Arts is responsible for developing creative arts programmes for children and young people, their families, staff and visitors which will be rolled out in current CHI sites with a view to shaping the future arts programmes in the new hospital and Outpatient and Urgent Care Centre.

These programmes are based on the growing understanding of the positive and transformative impact that arts experiences can have on children and young people in paediatric settings.

As part of this programme, CHI Arts is seeking applications from experienced, practicing collaborative and participatory artists/arts organisations to develop and deliver a participatory visual art project with children and young people at CHI acute hospital sites at Tallaght, Crumlin and Temple Street over a 12-month period.

The closing date for the receipt of applications is Friday 13 September 2019 at 12 noon.

Further information about the project:

Application form:

All queries should be e-mailed to Fiona Smith by 12 noon Wednesday 21 August 2019.


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