Since 2003, the Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts (ICS) at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) has been running an artists-in-labs programme, facilitating artistic research by way of long-term residencies for artists in scientific laboratories and research institutes. The programme promotes sustainable collaboration between artists and scientists of all disciplines in Switzerland and around the world.
The 2019 / 2020 artists-in-labs programme offers a six-month residency at the intersection of art, medicine and the humanities. The residency ‘The Persistence of Memory – Dementia and Digital Aid Tools for Decision-Making’ offers the unique opportunity to work with researchers and doctors at the Institute for Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine and the Institute for Regenerative Medicine (both University of Zurich).
Applications for this residency are open to artists from all disciplines, from Switzerland and worldwide.
Application deadline: 25 August 2019.
For more information visit http://www.artistsinlabs.ch/en/residency_programs