‘What Can We Do with Our Vulnerability? Words to Make Meaning of Life’s Experiences’ features award-winning writer Emilie Pine talking about her bestselling book of personal essays, Notes to Self (Tramp Press, 2018; Penguin, 2019). This event takes place in the Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts in Belfast on 25 October 2019, co-sponsored by Counselling and Health Communication at Ulster University and the Verbal Arts Centre in Derry~Londonderry.

The event forms part of Mental Health and the Arts, a new interdisciplinary, cross-border initiative founded and directed by Dr Noreen Giffney, Dr Maggie Long and Dr Jolene Mairs Dyer from Ulster University.

How do we make meaning of life’s experiences? How do words contribute to this process? Is there a different effect produced by speaking the words aloud, writing them down or keeping them to ourselves? From the traumatic to the mundane and from the pleasurable to the painful, Emilie Pine’s Notes to Self uses words to narrativise her life – something we all have to do in different ways, whoever we are, wherever we are from, whatever our experiences.

Pine will give a reading from Notes to Self, which will be followed by a public conversation with the author. The audience will then be invited to engage in smaller-group discussions about selected passages from Notes to Self. Each group discussion will be facilitated by a trained facilitator from Verbal Arts Centre’s Reading Rooms Project.

Participants will be awarded a certificate of participation by the Mental Health & the Arts initiative for the purpose of CPD.

Event information
Date: Friday 25 October
Time: 6-9.15 pm
Venue: Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts, Belfast
Booking: £10 full fee/£5 reduced fee (+ online booking fee).

Register at www.theduncairn.com/events/vulnerability

Further details about the event can be found in the event brochure:

Resources relevant to the event are being shared via twitter.com/ulsterchc and facebook.com/mentalhealthandthearts


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