
Saolta Arts launched Art@Work 16 by staff from Galway University Hospitals on 12 December 2019. This exhibition of staff artwork on the Art Corridor of University Hospital Galway is now an annual event during the Christmas season.
Art@Work 16 showcases work from staff from Cardiology, Dialysis, Services, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Radiography, Radiotherapy, Haematology, Histopathology, Immunology, Microbiology, Nursing, Administration, Community Health Organisation, Finance, Social Work, hospital volunteers and retired staff members.
‘Art@Work is an integral part of the programme for Saolta Arts. We are amazed by the talents of our colleagues and we are delighted to welcome newcomers each year. We take great pride in supporting the artistic endeavours of our staff … 2019 has been a very successful year with projects taking place across the Saolta Group, art classes for staff, environmental enhancement and workshops and activities for our patients … We look forward to a wide and varied arts programme in 2020 as we launch our three year strategic plan and announce our programme for Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture.’ – Margaret Flannery, Arts Director
Art@Work 16 runs until 6 January 2020.
For information regarding the arts programme, phone 091-544979 or email saoltaarts@hse.ie
Saolta Arts
For ten years, as Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust, we provided an Arts and Health programme to promote wellbeing and improve the hospital experience at Galway’s public hospitals. As Saolta Arts, we shall continue to nurture the discovery and development of creative potential, encourage new ways of seeing, and stimulate fresh dialogue across five counties – making the hospital a place of possibilities. Saolta Arts runs the west of Ireland’s leading Arts and Health programme as a means of improving the hospital experience for patients, staff and visitors. We provide a multi-disciplinary programme of events and activities, including exhibitions, participative workshops, music, theatre and poetry. Saolta Arts CLG is a registered Charity (CHY17964). Our programme is supported by the Arts Council, Galway City Council, Galway County Council and fundraising activities. saoltaarts.com