Image shown: Between Land and Water

Artist in the Community Scheme: Between Land and Water, Outlandish Theatre Platform and women from the Dublin 8 community.

Create, the national development agency for the collaborative arts, has announced the 2020 submission dates for application to the Artist in the Community Scheme. The Arts Council offers awards through the Scheme to enable artists and communities of place and/or interest to work together on projects. The Artist in the Community Scheme (AIC) is managed by Create. 

2020 deadlines
Round 1: Monday 30 March
Round 2: Monday 21 September
Bursary Award: Monday 9 November

The scheme is open to artists from any of the following artform disciplines: architecture, circus, street art and spectacle, dance, film, literature (Irish and English language), music, opera, theatre, visual arts and traditional arts.

More details at

For information on the Scheme and how to apply contact or phone 01 473 6600.


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