Image shown: We are not alone. Credit: CIT Crawford College of Art & Design.

Image shown: We are not alone. Credit: CIT Crawford College of Art & Design.

The CIT Crawford Department of Arts in Health & Education have launched The Creativity Tonic, a shared online space that offers words, images and tools to support and cultivate hope during this challenging time.

The Creativity Tonic also provides links to other websites and spaces to support and nourish our psychological wellbeing, acting as a hub for many online initiatives.

What if we considered a healthy imagination vital to our health?” A question asked by Rob Hopkins, environmentalist and author, at a seminar I attended five days pre-lockdown. Here we are now five days post-lockdown and social media is groaning under the weight of memes, video clips and images we are pinging backwards and forwards across the digital networks to keep our spirits up.

We need alternatives to our present situation – whether those alternatives are pure escapism, a different perspective or the space to imagine a healthy future. These images, music, video clips, stories and poetry all offer us this space. They are a tonic for the heightened anxiety that has moved unwelcome into our homes threatening not just our physical health, but our mental health also. They are a tonic for our imagination. – Louise Foott, Department Head, CIT Crawford Arts in Health & Education

The Creativity Tonic can be accessed at

Follow and tag @CreativityTonic on Twitter and Instagram.

For further information on CIT Crawford Department of Arts in Health & Education visit 


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