
The Arts Council is introducing a special €1m euro fund to enable Irish-based professional artists to provide access for the public to new and original art during the period of COVID-19 isolation. The fund is called the Arts Council COVID-19 Crisis Response Award.
The purpose of the award is to support the creation and dissemination of new artistic work either online, by broadcast or other virtual means, for the public benefit.
The award is open to any individual who can demonstrate a track record of professional practice as an artist, regardless of whether they are currently registered with the Arts Council, or whether they have ever applied for and/or received Arts Council funding in the past.
The maximum awarded is €3000.
Closing date: Thursday 16 April 2020 at 17:00
Submission process and further information:
8 April: Update from the Arts Council in response to feedback from the sector:
- Artists across all art forms are eligible to apply for the scheme;
- Ideally proposals should have some form of online component however, proposals without an online/digital component will not be disadvantaged but proposals must demonstrate public engagement;
- Proposals can be completed up to the end of 2020;
- Where appropriate, work will be disseminated on the Arts Council website and on its social media platforms;
- All work generated will remain in the copyright of the artist who creates the work.