
Image shown: Singing for the Brain
Singing for the Brain is a HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare supported initiative, now consisting of seven groups across Cork City and County (Mallow, Fermoy, Youghal, Mitchelstown, Bandon, Farranree, Mayfield). The programme was conceived by musical facilitator Fiona Flavin and first piloted by the Crystal Project in Mallow in 2015.
There is plenty of evidence to show how singing is not only good for our brain but for our general wellbeing. Singing for the Brain brings people together from all walks of life in a friendly and stimulating social environment and no singing experience is necessary. The sessions are enjoyable and can also provide a way for people, in particular those with Dementia and Alzheimer’s, along with their carers, friends and family, to socialise with others in a fun and supportive group.
Normally these groups meet up once a week to sing and socialise together. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, these groups are now connecting once a week online and participating in a Singing for the Brain session via Zoom. While this may seem challenging for many, the Singing for the Brain steering group has put together a step-by-step guide to getting set up. They have also been liaising with Cork ETB who are also supporting this initiative and have resource workers in all areas offering on-line and telephone support to assist older people to embrace this technology – for assistance with this please contact Ruth at 086 8238758.
Due to the success of this initiative, an additional session is being organised for members of the general public. This will commence on Wednesday 6 May at 2.30 pm. Once participants have the Zoom app on their phone, it is a simple click on a link that is sent out prior to the session and you will be directly connected to the session.
In these challenging times, having the opportunity to connect with others through the medium of singing is a fantastic support – from the experience of the sessions to date, a community of kindred souls is already forming and people are enjoying the novelty of singing on-line.
Please register your interest by contacting Mary Flynn at Fermoy Resource Centre (mornings) on 025-32962.**
**Contact information was updated on 22 April 2020.