The Culture, Health & Wellbeing International Conference is going digital in 2021. Submissions are now open for proposals for digital presentations, workshops, films and performance.

The conference is taking place from 21-23 June 2021 on the themes of inequality, power and sustainability. Join people from all over the world to hear about inspiring work spanning policy, research and practice. Lived experience and co-production will be placed at the heart of the programme.

Submission of abstracts 
Proposals are sought for digital presentations, workshops, films and performance. The conference organisers want to hear about new ways of researching, conceptualising and creating; and to question assumptions and share different approaches to current issues and areas of practice and research.

Submission guidelines and further information:

Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2020.
Decisions will be made by December 2020.
Ticket sales will open in January 2021.

The Culture, Health & Wellbeing International Conference is delivered by Arts & Health South West on behalf of the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance.


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