From Access to Inclusion, an Arts and Culture Summit gathers the most thought-provoking leaders and advocates from across the globe. One strand of the programme is an online symposium over the course of three days on 9, 16 and 23 March 2021. 

The symposium will provide a forum to exchange ideas and discover new and innovative ways for your organisation to include and welcome everyone.

With presentations by the world’s leading access professionals and advocates, delegates will learn how to provide seamless, person-centred experiences in arts and culture.

Symposium programme

Symposium registration 
Dates: Tuesday 9, 16, 23 March
Time: 2pm (GMT)
Admission: €50 one day / €100 all three days

From Access to Inclusion, an Arts and Culture Summit is produced by Arts & Disability Ireland in collaboration with The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Office of VSA and Accessibility.


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