
The Culture, Health and Wellbeing International Conference is taking place online from 21-23 June 2021. During the global crisis, the arts and creativity have helped us navigate uncertainty and been agents of hope. The conference will provide a space for exploring our individual and collective experiences and articulating a vision for the future.
The conference is organised by Arts & Health South West in collaboration with the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance.
The conference themes are Inequality, Power and Sustainability. The programme draws on over 200 submissions for practice and research from 20 countries with a choice of more than 90 presentations, workshops and films. Subjects include dementia and the arts, young people’s mental health, singing for health, staff wellbeing and training, partnerships and access, population level research and theoretical contributions.
Panels will be curated by arts and health practitioners from Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Nigeria, Finland, Netherlands, Italy, USA, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
The programme is designed to engage audiences from around the world with keynotes in the morning, afternoon and evening and interactive sessions that take into account different time zones for presenters and audiences.
The latest version of the programme is available here.
A ticket give you full access to the live programme over the three days and to recordings of sessions on demand until 25 June. Early bird rates are available until 7 May.
Tickets are available at https://www.ahsw.org.uk/event/chw21/
Conference website