The Arts Council is surveying artists on the impact of 2020 in the context of the Paying the Artist policy. Input is sought from artists as a follow up to the Arts Council survey issued in April 2020 at the start of the Covid crisis – key findings of which are published on their website.

The survey covers:

  • Financial Impact
  • Artists’ experiences of pay and contractual arrangements
  • Changes in work practices and patterns
  • Personal impact

The Paying the Artist policy and its updated Implementation Plan commits the Arts Council to a number of research activities. The Arts Council are currently in the process of scoping a large scale study around artists’ living and working conditions. The Arts Council wish to capture data on how artists have been impacted over the course of the past year and are asking artists to take this survey to share their experience. The survey will:

  • give a fuller picture of the period covered by Covid;
  • inform ongoing policy development and Covid response work;
  • identify current/on-going issues arising on pay and conditions for artists;
  • provide baseline data to inform the development of the larger study.

Take the survey here.

Deadline for survey completion: 1 June 2021.


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