Rose Window Artwork, created by Conall Cary and Peter McMorris for Waterford Residential Care Centre. Image credit: Conall Cary.

Rose Window Artwork, created by Conall Cary and Peter McMorris for Waterford Residential Care Centre. Image credit: Conall Cary.

Throughout 2021 we are hosting a public webinar series of curated conversations featuring arts practitioners and healthcare professionals. Our June conversation explored the Per Cent for Art commissioning model used by Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT) and the Capital Projects Team HSE South East.

Project examples were shared and the importance of partnership working illuminated by panellists Claire Meaney, Director of WHAT, George O’Neill, Project Manager for HSE Estates in the South East, and artist Conall Cary.

It’s really quite an intimate setting in a healthcare environment. You have people who might be very vulnerable or in a very delicate position in their life and you have the opportunity to make something, a small something, that might have an impact in a positive way… And I think it’s a real privilege and a real responsibility to try and handle that as sensitively as possible so that you could help create even a small moment of respite or calm for someone who’s in quite an acute situation in their life.’ – Artist Conall Cary

The Arts and Health Conversation Series 2021 is produced by and funded by the Arts Council and the HSE.


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