The Creative Ireland Programme and The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) at Trinity College Dublin are hosting a lunchtime webinar on 22 November to launch the publication of the ‘Creative Activity in the Ageing Population’ report. 

Hosted by Oliva O’Leary, this event will include contributions from Rose-Anne Kenny (Professor of Medical Gerontology, Trinity College Dublin), Tania Banotti (Director, Creative Ireland Programme) and Siobhan Scarlett (TILDA researcher).

TILDA is a nationally representative study of community-dwelling adults aged 50 years or older in Ireland. Participants are visited every two years to interview them about their social, economic, health and financial situation. With information on involvement in creative activities captured at each wave of data collection, the all-of-government Creative Ireland Programme provided funding support for a postdoctoral researcher to analyse the TILDA dataset to investigate creative activity participation among older adults in Ireland over a nine-year period (2009-2018). An additional TILDA COVID-19 questionnaire also explored the impact on their participation in creative activity during the first lockdown period of the COVID-19 era.

The report explores a broad selection of creative activities in the context of social demographics, physical and behavioural health, and the impact of creative activity on quality of life, loneliness, depression, perceived stress and worry. It offers further insights concerning the impact of accessibility issues especially when compared with the Growing up in Ireland findings, and presents a unique insight into participation in creative activity by older adults during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

This report will provide important evidence to policy makers and practitioners interested in the association between, and long term benefits of, creative participation in the Irish ageing population and health and wellbeing.

Event details 
Online via Zoom
Date: Monday 22 November
Time: 1pm (IST)


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