Creativity & Change Deep Dive Spring Series 2022.

Creativity & Change Deep Dive Spring Series 2022.

The Creativity & Change programme, based at MTU Crawford College of Art & Design in Cork City, is hosting a series of in-person training workshops this spring. Creativity & Change Deep Dives are an opportunity for inspirational, intensive and in-depth engagement over two days. 

Delivered by facilitators with specific expertise and experience, the programme is designed around the identified gaps and expressed interests of practitioners. Each workshop is a deep dive into a specific method that can be used to explore change-making, global citizenship and social justice.

Tell your story: The Story of Self with Clare Mulvany: Craft a compelling leadership story for social change
Sat 12 and Sun 13 March, CCAD, 9.30 – 5.00 each day

You will learn to craft your own leadership narrative while gaining powerful storytelling tools for personal and social change. These hands-on, practical workshops will change the way you think and work with story.

Make it visual: Visual Facilitation for Global Citizenship Education with Eimear Mc Nally
Sat 26 and Sun 27 March, CCAD, 9.30 – 5.00 each day

Participants can expect to experience a deep-dive into the use of visuals in facilitation. An introduction to basic, useful and re-usable visual tools (e.g. stakeholder mapping, x-y axis, mind maps) and information visualisation tools, as well as more complex topics such as using visual metaphors. No experience of drawing is required.

Take it public: Art + Activism = Artivism with Helen O Keeffe & Claire Coughlan
Sat 2 and Sun 3 April, CCAD, 9.30 – 5.00 each day

In this workshop you will consider your role as an ‘artivist’ – how visual art can support your small personal actions and more ambitious projects. Discover the power of art in creating global change and how real world examples can inspire your own activism. Explore a variety of creative methods to connect art and changemaking, including zine making, poster design and street art. Gain practical and digital skills, and connect with like-minded peers for a fun, hands-on weekend.

Share your story: Podcasting with Ainle ó Cairealláin from Rebel Matters Podcast
Sat 9 and Sun 10 April, CCAD, 9.30 – 5.00 each day

In this workshop you will gain insight about the power of podcasting as a tool for change, explore different options and technologies for creating podcasts, discover interview styles and techniques for creating content, gain skills in recording, editing and production, record our own podcast over the weekend, and learn the skills to take podcasting back to your own communities and projects.

Take it to the world stage
Theatre of the Oppressed, Forum Theatre with Julian Boal 
(Yes! That Boal!)
22, 23 & 24 April, various locations, 9.30 – 5.00 each day

Forum theatre is a socially engaged theatre form that creates unique spaces for collective dialogue, reflection, and “rehearsal for life”. This workshop – through games, exercises, and techniques – will focus on finding ways to portray oppressive systems that contribute to local and global justice issues. We will explore how we can avoid good-vs-evil and other forms of moral dualism in the creation of Forum theatre scenes, while striving for a more nuanced understanding of global justice issues; their causes and potential solutions.

Participants will gain experience with additional Theatre of the oppressed (TO) techniques, create original Forum theatre scenes, and discuss the role of the joker (facilitator) figure in TO. Those who have a particular interest in playing the joker will have opportunities to learn the role. The workshops will conclude with a public performance, providing an opportunity for wider public engagement.

For more information and all registration links visit

General enquiries can be made to


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