In Conversation

Joe Brennan, Storyteller and Writer
Do we have the “right” story? is a narrative storytelling research project exploring the experiences of those living and working in mental health community residences in HSE South East Community Healthcare.
Dr Suzanne Denieffe, Head of Humanities in Waterford Institute of Technology, Joe Brennan, project writer/facilitator, and Paula Lowney, Service Reform Fund Project Lead, took part in an online conversation in February 2022, providing insights into the project’s research methodologies, creative delivery, and human rights and recovery-based approach.
Do we have the “right” story? is an initiative of the Service Reform Fund. The aim was to collect narratives or stories relating to personal experiences of those receiving or providing services in community residences in HSE South East Community Healthcare. The partnership agencies included the Service Reform Fund-HSE Mental Health Services, Waterford Institute of Technology and Waterford Healing Arts Trust.
The project’s objective was to support cultural change to increase the recovery orientation and positive risk taking in mental health community residences with experiential learning through narrative storytelling. The focus was on the themes of recovery, human rights and safeguarding principles and the dilemmas that emerge when endeavouring to promote a human rights and recovery-based approach.
The Arts and Health Conversation Series is produced by and funded by the Arts Council and the HSE.