
Thursday 21 July 2022
Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)
IMMA presents Marie Brett’s new film, Yes, But Do You Care? from the compelling series of work created by the artist exploring the human right to make a bad decision, dementia family care-giving and Ireland’s new capacity legislation. This is the first time this new work will be shown.
Yes, But Do You Care? has been created with choreographer/dance artist Philip Connaughton and members of The Dementia Carers Campaign Network, supported by The Alzheimer Society of Ireland.
The premiere screening will take place in The Garden Gallery on 21 July at 6pm followed by a discussion in the People’s Pavilion from 6.30 – 8pm.
RESPONSE: This is a wonderful opportunity to hear Dr Patricia Shaw’s response to the artwork in addition to Marie’s process and practice. An eminent scholar in the field of social practice, Shaw is founder and convenor of an international Research-in-Action Community, and her vision spans many fields from business to ecology.
PANEL DISCUSSION: This roundtable will give an opportunity to hear directly and at close hand from multiple contributors spanning care, advocacy and the arts, and to hear about their involvement, opinions, and vision for the project and series of artworks now.
Chaired by Helen O’Donoghue, Senior Curator, Engagement and Learning, IMMA, contributors include Marie Brett, Philip Connaughton, Raymond Cregan, Vice Chair of the Dementia Carers Campaign Network, Tina Leonard, Former Head of Advocacy and Public Affairs at The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, and Dr Patricia Shaw.
This is a free ticketed event. Everyone is welcome.
Book ticket: https://imma.ticketsolve.com/shows/873636058
Further information: https://imma.ie/whats-on/immaoutdoors-talk-yesbutdoyoucare-mariebrett/