
Waterford Healing Arts Trust, Art at the Kitchen Table with Caroline Schofield.
Experience 2022: An Introduction to Arts, Health and the Older Person is an online learning programme for arts practitioners led by Age & Opportunity, Waterford Healing Arts Trust and Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre.
Running over three mornings from 7-9 December, this programme aims to outline the essential elements involved in working with older people in an arts and health context, and will feature presentations by some of the most experienced and inspiring practitioners working in this specialised field of practice. Experience is funded by the Arts Council and the HSE.
Who is this for?
This is the second year of Experience, which was devised in 2021 in response to the need for more training and practical orientation for arts practitioners who already have experience of participatory work in a health context, and who are interested in developing their practice to include working with older people. Participants last year described the programme as ‘inspiring and beneficial’, ‘uplifting’, ‘insightful’, ‘useful’, ‘important’ and ‘essential’ with people highlighting the expertise and passion of the speakers, and the opportunity to interact with fellow artists.
What to Expect
In a programme which strives once again to be inspiring and pragmatic, participants will gain an overview of approaches and ways of thinking in this rewarding area of work, practical information and advice for different art forms and disciplines, valuable insight from artists, healthcare professionals and arts and health participants, and opportunities to share ideas and build contacts with their peers.
Book your Place
Places for Experience cost €20 (covering attendance on all three days) and are open to professional arts practitioners with experience in participatory arts work in a health context. Places are limited in order to make this a valuable experience for all participants.
Those interested in participating should email arts@ageandopportunity.ie by Monday 21 November 2022 at 12 noon with the following details:
- Expression of interest: Why you would like to participate in this programme (50-100 words)
- Summary of participatory work to date (50-100 words)
Selected participants will be notified by 23 November and sent the link to complete their booking.
Programme Outline
Wednesday 7 December
Presentations by:
- Susan Langford, MBE, Director of Magic Me, the home of intergenerational arts in the UK.
- Ailish Claffey, dance artist, choreographer and curator
- Brian Dooney, Engage Programme Training & Development Facilitator with Age & Opportunity
- Sarah Cairns, Activities Director at Bantry General Hospital
Thursday 8 December
- Case Study presented by Caroline Schofield and Jill Bouchier, visual artists working with Waterford Healing Arts Trust, and Paula Flanagan, Activity Co-ordinator at Waterford Residential Care Centre
- Workshops with Marie Brett, visual artist, and John Conway, visual artist
- Participant Perspective with Roger Green, Art at the Kitchen Table, managed by Waterford Healing Arts Trust.
Friday 9 December
Networking Morning, facilitated by Grainne Hope, Founder and Director of Music and Health Ireland.