
Friday 10 and Saturday 11 March 2023




Creativity & Change HQ, MTU Crawford College of Art & Design, 46 Grand Parade, Cork City



Ageism, classism, racism, sexism, ableism, anti-traveller racism, heterosexism, homophobia, anti-semitism, gender dissonance… we live in an intersectional world with increasingly challenging environments to navigate.

As working sensitively and pro-actively with diverse communities becomes increasingly crucial, we are interested in challenging the term ‘safe spaces’ and want to instead offer BRAVE spaces as an environment to guide such work. Online or offline, verbal, action or artistic-based, brave spaces are settings that are prejudice-conscious and risk-aware, while supporting the freedom to express.

Join socially-engaged artist, Susanne Bosch and founder of Good Day Cork, Joanna Dukkipati, in a two-day creative space from which to examine your positions in society, learn how to hold space for uncomfortable and transformative conversations with diverse groups in difficult times and explore strategies for action against injustice.

Friday 10 and Saturday 11 March 2023

Creativity & Change HQ, MTU Crawford College of Art & Design, 46 Grand Parade, Cork City

For whom?
All people working with people; artists, youth & community workers, educators, activists and anyone interested in setting up space for transformative conversations.

The workshop is open to all and no prior experience is necessary to participate. The number of places available is limited and pre-registration is required.

How much?
Participation fee for the two days is €70.

Training costs are generously subsidised by Irish Aid to allow the workshops to be as accessible as possible. If costs remain a barrier to your attendance, please email to negotiate support for your participation.

How to register
Find tickets on the MTU Events Page

More info
Click the BRAVE SPACES page on the Creativity & Change website for all you need to know, including more information on the facilitators.

This workshop is delivered in partnership with Create, the National Development Agency for Collaborative Arts. On Thursday, 9 March, Susanne Bosch will also deliver a workshop on Care in Socially Engaged Art Seen Under the Magnifying Glass at The Lab in Dublin 1.


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