University of Derby

The 11th International Health Humanities Conference is being hosted by the University of Derby from 21-23 September 2023 on the theme of ‘History and Practice of Human Care’.

To date, the conference has explored multiple themes related to Health Humanities and how the arts and humanities can be applied to enhance human health and wellbeing.

For this year’s conference, presentations and creative workshop proposals are invited on the interface between history (in its broadest sense including heritage) and human care. In addition, submissions relevant to the field of health humanities in general, from creative practices through to heritage projects that support wellbeing, are invited.

The case for the impact of history/historical perspectives/heritage in health, psychological well-being and enhancing social inclusion of people is growing worldwide. Impact assessments and sharing of practices outside of academic contexts, for example in hospitals, social and community centres, mental health centres, schools, heritage sites, museums etc are welcomed.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 30 June 2023 at 12pm GMT. 

The Scientific and Organising Committee will inform about the acceptance or rejection of proposals as soon as possible and before 30 July 2023.

The deadline for early bird registration is 30 June 2023.

Abstract Submission 
Submission requirements and further information on the conference can be found here:


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