HSE Health and Wellbeing invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced consultants/ organisations to undertake an evaluation of the Irish Hospice Foundation and HSE Healthy Ireland Pause pilot initiative. The Pause project has arisen from the RENEW partnership between HSE, the Department of Health (Healthy Ireland), Creative Ireland, and the Arts Council which was established in 2020 to explore options for collaborative work to further develop arts and health in the HSE.
About the project
Pause is a physical box of prompt cards and posters, consisting of a suite of short creative challenges, games and exercises to offer brief moments of contemplation, joy and fun into the busy working day of Health Service Executive (HSE) staff. In its development, the IHF consulted with HSE staff and the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Network and worked with four creative artists to include four areas of creativity: Improvisation; Breath; Visual; and Word. Pause is designed to support the health and wellbeing of HSE staff and fit in with their working lives.
Pause is led by the Irish Hospice Foundation and the next stage is to undertake a pilot of the resources developed.
Pilots are being undertaken in six hospitals across five of the Hospital Groups. The pilot in these hospitals will be confined to three or four teams/areas within the hospital. The existence and level of engagement of the Hospice Friendly Hospital Network/End of Life Co-ordinator in the hospital was a key deciding factor in the selection of the six hospitals as they will have a key co-ordinating role with the IHF for the pilot.
Timeline & Budget
The Pause pilot will take place from 29 May – 30 June 2023.
It is envisaged that the evaluation will be completed by 31 July 2023. The work should be completed within four months of signing the contract.
The budget range is from €5000 – €7500 which must include all expenses and VAT.
The deadline for Tender submissions is Friday 26 May before 5pm.
Application Process
The Tender can be accessed at https://www.activelink.ie/sites/default/files/attach/notice-entry/2023/05/16/hse-pause-tender-for-evaluation.pdf
Please submit completed proposals to Sean O’Connor by email: seanj.oconnor@hse.ie
All tender documentation must be in PDF or Word format including an electronic signature.
All queries relating to this tender competition should be sent by email only to Sean O’Connor with the subject line: ‘Pause project evaluation query’. All queries must be submitted by 25 May.
HSE Health and Wellbeing reserves the right at any time before the tender deadline to update, cancel or amend the information contained in the tender document and/or to extend the tender deadline.