
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has launched the fourteenth edition of its Civil Society Prize.
The prize rewards not-for-profit initiatives carried out by natural persons and/or civil society organisations and/or private companies. The aim is to raise awareness of the contribution that civil society can make to creating a European identity and citizenship in a way that underpins the common values that are the foundation of European integration.
The specific theme of this edition is ‘Mental Health’. The prize, which has a total value of €50,000 and can be shared among up to five winners, will reward effective, innovative and creative initiatives carried out on the territory of the EU which support people with mental health conditions and promote an environment which fosters mental wellbeing on an individual or collective basis.
The deadline for entries is 30 September 2023. The awards ceremony will take place in spring 2024.
Detailed information about the prize, as well as the contest rules and the application form, are available on the EESC website: 14th EESC Civil Society Prize | European Economic and Social Committee (europa.eu)