
Culture Night, Friday 22 September
18:00 - 19:30 IST
Studio 4, The LAB, 1 Foley Street, Dublin 1, D01 WA07
Children’s Health Ireland (CHI) Arts in Health Programme is hosting a panel discussion for Culture Night reflecting on the opportunities and challenges of embedding excellent long-term arts practice into healthcare settings.
Reflecting on CHI’s creative work with children, young people, their families and healthcare staff in paediatric healthcare settings, this discussion will explore the learnings, limitations and solutions for long-term sustainable access to creativity for patients across the healthcare sector.
Francis Hegarty (Chair) is the Chief Healthcare Technology Officer at Children’s Health Ireland. He is a founding member of the Medical Physics and Bioengineering Department in St James’s Hospital, Dublin, where he worked for over 30 years. A maker, artist and composer, Francis formally chaired the CHI Arts in Health Advisory Council.
Marielle MacLeman is a visual artist with extensive Arts and Health experience encompassing publications, public art, and participation including the development of long-term programmes in palliative care and dialysis. Awards include the artsandhealth.ie Documentation Bursary 2017 and the Arts Council Artist in the Community Scheme Bursary Award 2018: Collaborative Arts in Health Contexts.
Carol Hilliard is a children’s nurse with over 30 years’ experience in clinical practice, research and education. She holds a Doctorate in Governance. Carol is a member of the commissioning team for the new children’s hospital. Keeping the child and family central to every project and decision is a key principle which informs Carol’s practice.
Veronica McGuire works for Helium Arts as their Hospital Programme Coordinator and for Children’s Health Ireland Crumlin as a radiographer. She is also a Creative Arts Therapist, and has worked in a variety of settings and services, offering therapy and creative arts to children and teenagers. In her work, she draws on over twenty year’s experience working with families and children in her ongoing work as a radiographer in Crumlin Children’s Hospital, Dublin.
Register your place
This event is taking place at The LAB in Dublin on 22 September. Advance registration is required: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/creative-interruptions-moving-arts-in-healthcare-from-pilot-to-mainstream-tickets-711417618247
Learn more about CHI’s Arts in Health Programme: https://www.childrenshealthireland.ie/about-us/chi-arts-in-health-programme/