Age & Opportunity and Arts & Disability Ireland are seeking tenders from suitably qualified individuals or organisations to carry out an Arts, Disability and Older Person training review as part of its joint Access initiative.
Age & Opportunity and Arts & Disability Ireland have been working together for a number of years to generate information on older audiences and those with disabilities. Part of Age & Opportunity’s work involves developing training supports for arts organisations wishing to work with older people. As a first step in delivering these supports, they wish to ascertain what key arts, disability and older people training supports currently exist in Ireland and more particularly, further afield. This work will feed into and support the rolling out of Age & Opportunity’s Arts & Creative Charter for Older People.
How to apply
Interested parties should submit a proposal to Jessica Burton Restrick, Arts Programme Administrator at arts@ageandopportunity.ie by Friday 3 November at 5pm.
More information on the tender and how to apply can be downloaded here:
Tender for Researcher for Arts, Disability and Older Person training review