
Are you a young person with end stage kidney disease who would like to have fun exploring your musical ability?
The Irish Kidney Association has been selected by the National Concert Hall for the Music in Mind programme (MIM) for children, adolescents and young people. The programme has been made possible through the Government’s Creative Youth Nurture Fund.
What’s involved
The MIM programme will provide a series of eight fun workshops (singing or drumming) for children, adolescents and young people in the 12-24 age range who are living with End Stage Kidney Disease. Participation on the programme has been extended to include both young people living with ESKD and their siblings.
The programme is FREE for participants and will start in early 2024. The IKA need to know how many people are interested, their ages, what days suit best and what physical location/s will suit people best. No prior experience in singing or playing an instrument is needed.
How to take part
If interested, complete the form at https://ika.ie/music/
Completing the form does not guarantee a place on the programme or commit you to participating in the programme. The IKA will be in touch when details are finalised.
The closing date for receipt of forms has been extended to 17 November 2023.