The Bealtaine Hero Award offers local, community based groups (or individuals) an opportunity to host an ambitious, creative and experimental event for their community this May that celebrates the spirit of Bealtaine, Ireland’s annual festival celebrating creativity as we age.

Two awards of €500 will be made to innovative grassroots arts projects. All art forms and event types will be considered; however non-arts events will not be considered (please see guidelines for examples of arts and non-arts events).

Eligibility Criteria
The project/event should be led by a community organisation or individual with a track record of organising community activities. The project/event should include at least one professional artist working in any art form.

Artists may apply but only in partnership with a community organisation. The award is not intended for government-funded organisations such as local authorities, although community groups that are working in partnership with or in receipt of funding from local authorities are eligible. The award is also not intended for applicants applying to deliver their own workshops.

Friday 19 February 2024, 5pm

Application Process
Application guidelines can be found here: Bealtaine Hero Award 2024 guidelines

Those wishing to apply for the award should complete the online application form:

Abair/Samaa, intercultural choral performance at Bealtaine Festival 2019.

Bealtaine Festival

Bealtaine is Ireland’s national festival which celebrates the arts and creativity as we age. The festival is run by Age & Opportunity, the national organisation working to improve the quality of life for us all as we age. Bealtaine is at the centre of Age & Opportunity’s Arts programme and celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2020. Our Bealtaine theme for 2024 – 2026 is Lust for Life, based on Iggy Pop’s iconic punk-era song celebrating life’s dreams, ambitions, intoxications and excesses.


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