Create Summer School on Cultural Diversity and Collaborative Practice, 2019. Photo: Joseph Carr.

Create, the national development agency for collaborative arts, invites expressions of interest from collaborative socially engaged artists, or artists interested in/transitioning into collaborative socially engaged arts, who wish to avail of a focused period of mentorship to develop and consolidate their practice.

The Mentoring Award is funded through the Artist in the Community Scheme (AIC), managed by Create on a devolved basis for The Arts Council. It aims to offer capacity building and arts practice development for collaborative socially engaged artists.

Through the Artist Mentoring Award, artists from the Artist Mentor Panel will be available as mentors to emerging practitioners, artists interested in/transitioning into collaborative socially engaged arts, artists who find themselves on the margins and feel they are underrepresented in the field of collaborative socially engaged arts, for example due to displacement or migration, and artists facing particular challenges in developing their collaborative socially engaged arts practice. There will be five artist mentors and five artist mentees.

Closing date for Expressions of Interest
Monday 13 May 2024 at 5pm

How to Apply
Further details and application forms:

Information Sessions
There will be two information sessions happening online in advance of the application deadline. Here you will learn more about the Mentoring Award, and an Artist mentor will join the session and explore some of the principles of collaborative socially engaged arts practice. We strongly advise potential applicants to attend at least one session.

Information Session with Aisling Byrne on 10 April
To register:

Information Session with John Conway on 17 April
To register:


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