Tuesdays: 28 May, 4 June, 11 June
5.45pm – 7.45pm
Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre
Free of charge
Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre is hosting a series of three evening workshops during Bealtaine Festival for HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare staff working with older people. These workshops are free of charge and form part of the Arts for Health Partnership Programme. All materials will be provided.
What to expect
You will explore art in the context of building your own creative confidence in making and working with various art materials. While working, conversation will explore arts in the context of working with older adults and ways of working with artists who visit healthcare settings.
The series will include printmaking, wire sculpture and drawing, exploring traditional art forms in a contemporary way. An important part of the sessions will be giving yourself the opportunity to take time out to maintain personal wellbeing and reduce stress through engaging and relaxed workshops. This series will be followed by three more sessions during Autumn 2024.
The workshops will be facilitated by Visual Artist Sarah Ruttle.
Register your place at info@westcorkartscentre.com or call 02822090