
dlr Arts Office, Framing the Senses, Saint Joseph's Shankill, Marie O'Hanlon with artist Orla Goodwin. Photo credit: Mark Stedman
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Arts Office is seeking expressions of interest from professional artists who are already working in or are interested in working in healthcare settings. This training opportunity will build artists’ capacity to engage with older people in local healthcare settings through their artistic practice. This opportunity is open to artists from any artform.
dlr Arts Office has invited Sarah Cairns and Tess Leak to deliver three lively and comprehensive sessions for professional artists. The training will provide opportunities to explore ways of collaborating and delivering multi-sensory projects in healthcare settings, inclusive of people with cognitive and other differences. Participating artists will receive vital dementia and communications training specific to their needs in healthcare settings. This experiential training will include ‘hands-on’ creative practices.
Deadline is 12 August 2024, at 2pm.
Full details: https://dlrcoco.submit.com/show/277
This opportunity is part of the ‘Let’s Get Social dlr Programme 2024-25’ funded by Creative Ireland and the Health Service Executive, supported by Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council.