Empower Her by Linda Hanlon

Empower Her is an exhibition by photographer Linda Hanlon at Tallaght University Hospital celebrating the extraordinary women of Ireland. Featuring the portraits of 54 women, Empower Her highlights their achievements and journeys towards personal and professional empowerment. The exhibition runs until 20 September 2024 in Hospital Street at TUH.

Ordinary women who have done extraordinary things. They come from a broad range of career paths, from a former Irish president to the first female tower crane operator in Ireland. The viewer is drawn into the diverse careers paths which crossover with the arts, space exploration, medicine, academia, politics, construction and sport… to name just a few!

Accompanying each portrait is an inspiring quote and advice offered to younger women and future generations. Hanlon underpins the importance of recognising the achievements reached by women through the inclusion of key changes in Irish legislation. Changes that stand as a stark reminder that women’s achievements often go unheralded as their images are not immediately visible. It is the artist’s hope that by putting faces and names to those achievements it will act as a visual spur in the empowerment of others.

What began as an initial idea has grown into an exhibition and photography book, a collaborative undertaking based on friendship between photographers  Linda Hanlon and Maria McGrane, both with a background as psychotherapists.

Both were driven by the desire to acknowledge and celebrate female empowerment. They were determined to capture as many women from a diverse range of professions, ethnic backgrounds and wide age range forming a representative sample of contemporary women of Ireland. The project took them to the four corners of Ireland, photographing and recording participants in their places of work or home environments.

The Empower Her exhibition at TUH is supported by the Meath Foundation. For further information about Empower Her and to support the project through purchasing a limited edition book visit: empowerherproject.net


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