Preview: 7 September
Performances: 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 September
ISL Interpreted Performance:
14 September
All performances 21:00, except 14 September: 15:30 & 18:15 (ISL Interpreted)
Duration: 80 minutes.
Project Arts Centre - Space Upstairs
€15 (preview), €19/€17 concession
In her book Illness as Metaphor, Susan Sontag sets out to diagnose the problem with the way we think about illness. Her discovery was not to focus on sickness itself, but the language surrounding disease – language that can, in her view, quite literally kill.
Whether it’s the metaphor of “battling cancer” or the image of “front-line workers” during the pandemic, Sontag claims that metaphors distort our way of thinking – since neither cancer nor Covid are states of war.
Working with six participants living with long-term illness, Dead Centre adapts this groundbreaking text for the theatre. But isn’t the theatre itself a metaphoric space? If all the world’s a stage, how can theatre try and deal with reality? Perhaps, through listening to the testimony of real people, theatre can be re-invented as a place where we might live, and die, without metaphor.
The world premiere of Illness as Metaphor is taking place as part of Dublin Fringe Festival 2024. Co-produced with Project Arts Centre and funded by the Arts Council. Supported by Réalta, the National Resource Organisation for Arts + Health in Ireland.
Feature image © Nancy Crampton. Image Edit: Jason Booher.
About Dead Centre
Dead Centre have been making theatre since 2012. We have made productions in Dublin, Berlin, Gothenburg and Vienna and our shows have toured around the world. We try to make shows that are surprising and unexpected, that ask what theatre is for, and use theatre to think through ideas about how we all live. You can check us out at www.deadcentre.org