
Thursday 24 October 2024


12 - 1pm (GMT+1)




Free event

Arts Culture Health and Wellbeing Scotland has teamed up with the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival to curate a programme of online discussions covering key themes, best practice, available tools and more.

One of these discussions will explore Performing Anxiety, a new good practice resource for people wanting to make creative work about mental health, produced by the Mental Health Foundation UK and the team behind the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival.

This resource has been created as a response to a significant increase in the number of artistic projects explicitly addressing mental health. It’s for anyone who wants to make live artistic work about mental health, from autobiographical shows about anxiety and depression to participatory projects working with vulnerable people.

The conversation will feature some of the people involved in developing the tools and highlight the various forms which include a five-episode podcast, a publication, specially commissioned provocations, good practice guidelines, and in depth artist interviews, all available from

Arts Culture Health and Wellbeing Scotland is a national network linking together, advocating for, and supporting those working at the interface of arts, culture, health and wellbeing in Scotland to ensure Culture is recognised as transformative to health and wellbeing.

The Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival (SMHAF) is running from 10 – 27 October 2024, exploring the theme of ‘In/Visible’.


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