Image courtesy of Cork County Arts & Library Service

The Arts & Health Student Training Portal provides student artists with volunteer placement opportunities to support and learn from a professional artist on an existing arts programme with a health or social care service. The goal is to provide live industry experience to students interested in participatory arts practice with healthcare communities.

The pilot initiative is taking place in Cork City and County in the academic year 2024/25. Placements are available to students across all artforms attending MTU (Cork campuses) and Cork College of FET.

The Arts & Health Student Training Portal is a partnership between HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare,, Cork Education and Training Board, Munster Technological University, and participating cultural providers in Cork.

REF 002: Cork County Arts & Library Service

Placement Provider
The Arts Service works with artists, organisations, participants and audiences of all ages throughout the county of Cork. The service facilitates funding and also directly programmes projects, events and activities in all art forms.

The Arts Service is one of the partners on the Arts for Health Partnership Programme, West Cork. It also coordinates concerts in Community Hospitals and Nursing Homes across the county for older people, their families and healthcare staff to enjoy. In 2023, the Arts Service worked with Creative Ireland to pilot a social prescription programme across the county.


Participatory and audience-based programming for adults in healthcare and community settings

Location of Service
All of Cork County

Artform Area
Visual Arts, Music, Literature, Arts Administration

Healthcare Service
Older People – Residential Care
Older People – Day Care
Health & Wellbeing
Staff Wellbeing

Programme Description
The Arts Service provides a range of participatory and audience-based programming for adults in healthcare settings throughout the county.

The service also runs ‘Make or Break’, a programme for organisations across Cork and Kerry to provide creative workshops for employees, with the aim of boosting mental health and wellbeing.

Healthcare Hoolies focus on providing high quality music concerts in healthcare settings. There are also a range of visual art and literature workshop programme opportunities in libraries with the aim of supporting mental health and wellbeing.

Placement Details

Flexible: January – end of May, with a greater concentration of events in May for the Bealtaine Festival.

Bi-Weekly Sessions (two sessions per week)
Weekly Sessions
Fortnightly Sessions
Once off sessions

Length of Session
Average engagement time with participants: 45 – 90 minutes

Online training required in advance of placement
Vulnerable adult safeguarding

In-person training provided during placement

Stipend for Lunch

Stipend for Travel 

Placement Supervisor
Maeve Mulrennan, Assistant Arts Officer

Deadline for applications: Monday 16 December at 5pm 

Placements are available for students across the art forms listed above.

Notification process

Students will receive an email notification that their submission has been received.

Cork County Arts Service will confirm if your placement has been provisionally been accepted by Thursday 19 December 2024.

Students must then notify their education placement co-ordinator.

Please note that once provisionally accepted, a student will be required to submit additional information to the placement provider, including referee details. The placement will officially be confirmed following an in-person interview.

Student Criteria

Students must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be over 18
  • Applicants must be attending Munster Technological University (Cork campuses) or Cork College of FET in the academic year 2024/25
  • This placement is for student artists across all artforms – the focus of these placements is on participatory methodologies and workplace practices rather than artistic discipline.

How to Apply

Please fill out the online Expression of Interest (EOI) Form “Students Placements in Arts & Health”:

Please include the reference number for this placement: 002 

Applicants will be required to upload their CV to the online EOI form.

If you have queries in relation to this placement, please contact Maeve Mulrennan, Assistant Arts Officer with the reference number (002):

If you have queries in relation to the EOI submission form, please contact:

We aim to make the application process accessible to all students. If you require additional support in applying for this placement, please email


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