ADVANCE CRT, Science Foundation Ireland

A group of five PhD researchers from the Science Foundation Ireland, ADVANCE CRT programme, are looking to develop a collaboration with a poet or a spoken word artist. We are (mostly) Psychologists who are working (mostly) in health and social care.

A common theme that links our work is ‘Unheard Voices’. We find that patients’ and caregivers’ perspectives are often not being included and that research and service provision is poorer for it. We would like to collaborate with an artist to create a piece of work that will be platformed across many settings (academic conferences, patient advocacy groups), not to tell the patients’ stories but to remind researchers and clinicians that they need to listen.

The commission will involve:

  • Information sharing sessions with each of the five researchers (one-to-one) over half a day.
  • Artist works alone to own agreed timeline to interpret the research findings.
  • Short collaborative interactions with the researchers (approx. 3 x 1 hour).
  • A professional video recording of the artist’s performance of the piece will be made, requiring the artist to be present for half a day.

Note: the piece should take between 7 – 10 minutes to perform.

Total fee for commission: €1,500

If there are any in-person performances, they will be renumerated separately on an ad-hoc basis at the rate of €300 per performance.

The successful candidate will be:

  • Available to engage with this project from February 2025.
  • Willing to work collaboratively, whereby researchers will support the artist in creating a work.

How to apply
We invite expressions of interest to be emailed to by 31 January 2025.

Applications could include a CV or similar, a short paragraph detailing the artist’s position in regard to the theme and a short video sample of previous work.


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