139 results
Case Studies (34 results)
Case Studies
The Gift of Connection for Christmas by Mike Hanrahan & Westport Men’s Shed
When Irish Hospice Foundation and Irish Men’s Sheds invited musician Mike Hanrahan to join forces with Westport Men’s Shed, the brief was simple. Get everyone sharing favourite songs and talking about experiences of grief and loss. What resulted took everyone’s breath away. A creative collaboration that produced a gorgeous song ‘Wishing You Were Here’ for Christmas 2023 that’s still going strong.
Case Studies
Compassionate Culture Networks Across Munster
Irish Hospice Foundation have been developing a Compassionate Culture Network across Ireland since 2021. These are spaces facilitated by artists for people to gently explore loss and how compassion connects through a variety of creative practices. Initially supported by Creative Ireland, additional support from Rethink Ireland’s Impact Fund for Munster enabled expansion across Munster in 2023.
Case Studies
Songlines brought together artists and people living with dementia and cognitive impairment to discuss favourite poems and songs in four care settings in Waterford and Wexford. A series of workshops in 2023 drew out memories, and resulted in the creation of new work, which was performed by artists, residents, and staff at celebratory live performances as part of Festival in a Van.
Case Studies
Creative Carers in West Cork
Creative Carers is a community-based strand of the Arts for Health Partnership Programme in West Cork, initiated in 2022. The programme creates access to engage with the arts for and with family carers, taking place at carers' homes, in arts spaces and in community settings across the region.
Case Studies
Music Exploration Programme at Wexford Mental Health Association
Exploring the role of music in mental health recovery for individuals attending community mental health services and those in residential settings in County Wexford, the programme is funded as part of the Arts Ability Programme, a partnership with the HSE Mental Health Services and Wexford County Council Arts Department.
Case Studies
Young Music Graduates Introduction to Music in Healthcare Project
The Music in Healthcare Young Graduates project was developed by Music & Health Ireland, the leading Irish training organisation in the field. The project connects recently graduated musicians to training and mentorship, new skill sets, competences and professional best practice in the field of Arts & Health.
Case Studies
Past Times Community Choir & Voices of Spring
Past Times and Voices of Spring are two large community choirs in Kildare welcoming older people, including those living with dementia and other age-related illnesses. The choirs are supported by Kildare County Council Arts Service and have been directed by Sharon Murphy and Sadhbh O’Sullivan since January 2015.
Case Studies
Brightly Burning Flame
In June 2022 composer Justin Grounds was invited by the Irish Doctors Orchestra to join them in a week of gathering and music making on Heir Island, Cork. A new recording and film of Justin's piece for
string orchestra ‘Brightly Burning Flame’ resulted from this collaboration.Case Studies
Skibbereen HSE Campus Choir
Since 2018, a free weekly drop-in choir has been hosted by musician Liz Clark on the Skibbereen Hospital Campus over lunch hour which is open to all staff.
Case Studies
Training Notes – Music & Health Training in Ireland
Training Notes is a training initiative of Kids Classics, Ireland's leading music in healthcare organisation. Kids Classics has developed a framework of bespoke training courses which includes introductory workshops, supervised apprenticeships and team mentoring.
Case Studies
1000 Days
1000 Days is a collaborative project between specialist health musicians Dr Rosalind Hawley and Mark Fisher, and spoken word artist Keisha Thompson, sharing stories of children, family, staff and musicians' experiences of health, music and hospitalisation through music and spoken word.
Case Studies
Tune In with The Happiness Ensemble
Tune In is a multidisciplinary collaboration between filmmakers Aoise Tutty Jackson and Maggie Ryan with members of the 49 North Street community in Skibbereen and MusicAlive. The project was a response to Covid-19 restrictions with a focus on sound, music and ‘Tuning In’.
Case Studies
Embrace Music
Founded by musicians and Arts & Health practitioners Sharon Murphy and Sadhbh O’Sullivan, Embrace Music is a social enterprise on a mission to provide far-reaching opportunities for engaging with music.
Case Studies
Freedom to Fly | Creative Enquiry – Arts and Older People
Freedom to Fly, hosted by MusicAlive, is an interdisciplinary, participatory project that engages older people in collaboration with Helga Deasy (choreographer and dancer) and Susan McManamon (musician and choir leader).
Case Studies
Viriditas is a song cycle by Irish singer and artist Ceara Conway for The Deepest Shade of Green, an Arts and Health programme for Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture. Commissioned by Saolta Arts and Galway 2020, it was created for the staff and patients of the seven hospitals of Saolta University Health Care Group.
Case Studies
The Museum of Song Postal Project
The Museum of Song is a song collecting project, co-created by artists Tess Leak and Sharon Whooley, that is delivered via the postal service. Part of the Arts for Health Partnership Programme, West Cork, it was adapted in response to the isolation of older residents in community hospitals during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Case Studies
Songwriting with older people in care settings
Klawitter Theatre Group delivered songwriting projects with older people who visit the day care facilities at Henrietta Older Peoples Service and with residents in Belmont House Nursing Home, both based in Dublin, from June 2018 until December 2019.
Case Studies
Le Pont des Arts (The Bridge of Arts)
Le Pont des Arts is a non-profit artistic company working in the paediatric departments of Brussels’ main hospitals. For 21 years, six artists (currently a singer, a musician, a dancer, a storyteller, a juggler and a visual artist) have been performing weekly in children’s rooms.
Case Studies
Stories from the Well-Field
Stories from the Well-Field is an interactive performance created by a group of residents in St. Joseph’s Unit, Bantry General Hospital in collaboration with artist Tess Leak, puppeteer Eoin Lynch and composer Justin Grounds.
Case Studies
Soothing Sounds
Soothing Sounds is a music project that took place in Children’s Health Ireland (CHI) at Tallaght University Hospital. Musician in residence Sophie Lee conducted interactive bedside music sessions with patients for 20 weeks between September 2018 and March 2019.
Case Studies
Pop Up Picnic
Pop Up Picnic is an immersive, multi-sensory performance project for young children with complex needs developed and produced by Helium Arts. Created in partnership with the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation in 2016 for families in the home, the project has now being adapted for public audiences.
Case Studies
Well Festival of Arts and Wellbeing
Well Festival of Arts and Wellbeing in Waterford celebrates the health benefits of participation in the arts and features a programme of free, fun, inventive and sociable arts events for all ages, across all artforms.
Case Studies
Songbirds is a music project with nonverbal children and young people with complex health and communication needs at The Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.
Case Studies
It Made You
It Made You is an album of original songs written by service users of St. Patrick's Mental Health Services in collaboration with The Twilight Programme at St. Patrick's Hospital and renowned Irish songwriter Sean aka ‘Doctor’ Millar.
Case Studies
The Leeside Serotones
The Leeside Serotones are a choral group based in Cork, made up of HSE mental health staff, service users and friends.
Case Studies
Iontas arts and mental health programme
Iontas is a multi-artform participatory arts and mental health programme which is delivered by Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT) in partnership with the Waterford Wexford Mental Health Services (WWMHS).
Case Studies
The Lifesongs project aims to bring to life memories, reflections and feelings of older people through a combination of theatre, humour, spontaneous music-making and songwriting.
Case Studies
E.gress is an audio-visual filmic artwork resulting from a regional and multi-sited collaborative project between artist Marie Brett, musician Kevin O’Shanahan and The Alzheimer Society of Ireland.
Case Studies
Creative Exchanges
Creative Exchanges is a course developed by Age & Opportunity for anyone leading creative activities with older people in care settings.
Case Studies
Participatory music-making at St. Joseph’s Care Centre
Musician Eamon Sweeney facilitated participatory music-making sessions for residential and daycare clients of St. Joseph's Centre, South County Dublin, in 2012-2013. The centre provides holistic care for older people who have illnesses associated with ageing, primarily people with a diagnosis of dementia.
Case Studies
Seasons of the Sun
Seasons of the Sun was a Music Residency at Robin House Children’s Hospice, Balloch, Scotland.
Case Studies
Encounters, Triskel@St.Finbarr’s
Encounters was a collaboration between Triskel Arts Centre and St. Finbarr’s Hospital, a multidisciplinary hospital site. The collaboration formed part of the arts and health strand of Cork EU Capital of Culture 2005.
Case Studies
Lifting the Spirits
Music programmes for older people in residential and day care settings
Case Studies
Ian Wilson, Composer in Residence in the Stroke Unit, AMNCH, Dublin
Ian Wilson, Composer in Residence in the Stroke Unit of the Adelaide and Meath Hospital in 2010, developed a new composition based on conversations with staff and patients of the unit.
Directory (16 results)
49 North Street
An initiative of Cork Mental Health Services, 49 North Street in Skibbereen was established in 2017 as a community-based hub for creativity, recovery and wellness in West Cork.
UL Hospitals Group
The Arts Committee in University Hospital Limerick was established in 2016.
Waterford Healing Arts
Waterford Healing Arts is Ireland’s longest established arts and health organisation, founded in 1993 at University Hospital Waterford (UHW).
Saolta Arts
Initiated by a generous long-term loan of over 100 works of Modern Irish Art by John and Patricia Hunt, Galway University Hospitals set up an Arts Committee in early 2003 to develop an arts programme for University Hospital Galway and Merlin Park University Hospital.
St Luke’s General Hospital Kilkenny
St Luke's General Hospital is an acute hospital in Kilkenny City which provides acute healthcare services to the people of Carlow and Kilkenny.
Wexford General Hospital
Activities include: Artist in Residence programme Art exhibitions A Menu of Poems: an annual initiative bringing poetry to all patients in hospital to celebrate National Poetry Day Hospital Choir .
Cork University Hospital Campus Arts Committee
Positive health is more than freedom from illness or disease – it is a feeling of wellbeing, an awareness and involvement in the joy of living.
MusicAlive is Ireland’s specialist organisation dealing with the provision, development and promotion of music in healthcare and community settings.
Raheen Community Hospital and Day Care Centre
Raheen Community Hospital and Day Care Centre in Co. Clare aims to deliver a varied programme of arts to day care visitors and hospital residents.
Arts for Health Partnership Programme
Arts for Health (AfH) is a partnership programme based in West Cork, which has provided a managed arts programme for older people in healthcare settings since 2005.
MISA Creative Life Centre
The Creative Life Centre at Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing (MISA), St James’s Hospital, promotes and highlights the creativity of older people, enabling them to express themselves through art, sculpture, poetry, literature, music and drama.
National Centre for Arts and Health at Tallaght University Hospital
Our mission is ‘to provide a creative arts and health programme specific to patient, staff and healthcare department needs; that improves the hospital experience by making arts accessible to all.
Art Centre, St Luke’s Hospital
St Luke's Hospital in Rathgar, Dublin, has been caring for cancer patients from all over Ireland since 1954.
Arts Ability
Arts Ability is an inclusive, participatory arts programme which celebrates the artistic and creative imagination of people who experience mental health problems and/or intellectual, physical or sensory disabilities.
Children’s Health Ireland
The new children’s hospital will be a world-class facility to look after children and young people from all over Ireland who have complicated and serious illnesses and who are in need of specialist and complex care.
Music & Health Ireland
Music & Health Ireland (formerly Kids Classics) is a not for profit limited company that delivers high quality professional music workshops, performances and music participation opportunities in the heart of healthcare, education and community settings nationally regardless of a person’s social, economic or medical circumstance.
Perspectives (4 results)
‘In life the song is a very important thing’ Museum of Song: Ireland and Ukraine
The Museum of Song is a song collecting project, co-created by artists Tess Leak and Sharon Whooley. New members of the West Cork community from Ukraine were invited to take part in 2022. Tetyana Karpenko and Olha Baglaenko of the Chervona Kalyna choir, supported by interpreter and choir member Ivan Humenuik, reflect on their experiences of sharing culture and kinship through song.
Teen Spirit: Music adventures in the lockdown era
Davina Flaherty is a singer-songwriter and musician from Galway. A member of CanTeen Ireland, the national young people’s cancer support group, Davina has been taking part in an online music project since summer 2020 led by musicians Seán Carpio and Ríona Sally Hartman.
The Arts: my instrument for living with depression
After many years of living with depression, Carol Tobin was introduced to Arts + Minds, a HSE arts and mental health programme based in Cork. Here she talks about her recovery journey and the impact that participating in the arts has had on her life.
Music in common: Probing the divergent mind-sets underpinning Music Therapy and Music in Healthcare
As a trained music therapist and a professional performing musician who works in healthcare settings, I am often asked ‘What is music therapy?’ and ‘What is the difference between music therapy and music in healthcare?’
Podcasts (7 results)
HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast – Staff Choirs
This HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast focuses on staff choirs and their impact on health and wellbeing. Alison Baker Kerrigan, Arts Officer in Tallaght University Hospital, is joined in conversation by podcast host Fergal Fox.
Sharon Murphy and Carolann Courtney: Singing and Health – A choir for people with dementia
The National Centre for Arts and Health at Tallaght University Hospital presented the seminar ‘Music and Health: Promoting excellence in practice’ in 2015.
Paula Higgins at the NCAH Music and Health Seminar 2015
Paula Higgins, Music Therapist with St. Patrick's Mental Health Services, discusses a collaborative song-writing project between singer-songwriter Sean Millar and over 90 service users which culminated in the release of the album, It Made You.
Caroline Peppard: The role of music in promoting health
Caroline Peppard is Senior Health Promotion Officer with HSE Dublin Mid Leinster.
Dr. Hilary Moss: Music and Health, a continuum of practice
Professor Desmond O’Neill: Music and Health: From aesthetic support to formal music therapy
The National Centre for Arts and Health presented the seminar ‘Music and Health: Promoting excellence in practice’ on 23 October 2015.
Symphony of the Sea
A collaboration between musician and composer Justin Grounds, visual artist Tess Leak and participants of Clonakilty Community Hospital, as part of the West Cork Arts Centre-managed Arts for Health Partnership Programme, inspired by the everyday seaside activity of beach combing.
Videos (9 results)
Cultural Leadership: Gráinne Hope in conversation with Moira Sinclair
Gráinne Hope, founder and Artistic Director of Kids’ Classics, and Moira Sinclair, Chief Executive of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Chair of Clore Leadership, explore the theme of cultural leadership, including its role within the field of arts and health, during an online conversation in April 2021.
Lán De Cheol
A short film by Sean Phair documenting the Freedom to Fly project with Mayfield Men’s Shed. This project took place as part of Creative Enquiry – Arts and Older People, an investigative collaborative venture looking at barriers to participation in the arts for older people.
In Conversation: Tess Leak and Sarah Cairns – New Pathways to Connect
Artist Tess Leak and Activities Director Sarah Cairns from Bantry General Hospital explore the learning from the remote delivery of The Museum of Song Postal Project.
SCRUBS Cork University Hospital Workplace Choir sing Lean on Me by Bill Withers
SCRUBS is a workplace choir made up of staff (current, former and retired) from Cork University Hospital.
Stories from the Well-Field
Artist Tess Leak collaborated with a group of residents in St. Joseph’s Unit, Bantry General Hospital, puppeteer Eoin Lynch and composer Justin Grounds to create Stories from the Well-Field, bringing to life residents' poems about enduring childhood friendships. Awarded the 2018 documentation bursary.
Hospital Voices
Hospital Voices is a choral work created by composer Eric Sweeney and poet Edward Denniston to mark the 25th anniversary year of Waterford Healing Arts Trust.
The Rhinestone Cowboy Sessions present SIVE
The Rhinestone Cowboy Sessions are a series of live recorded sessions with surprise music artists and Past Times Community Choir, a choir supporting people living with dementia, their families, friends and communities in Co. Kildare.
The Rhinestone Cowboy Sessions present Charlie McGettigan
The Rhinestone Cowboy Sessions are a series of live recorded sessions with surprise music artists and Past Times Community Choir, a choir supporting people living with dementia, their families, friends and communities in Co. Kildare.
The Soothsayers’ Sounds of Superpowers
Teenagers with experience of cancer from CanTeen Ireland joined forces with composer and multi-instrumentalist Sean Carpio to form The Soothsayers.
Research & Evaluation (21 results)
Research & Evaluation
Understanding the Potential of Clinical-Creative Partnerships to Improve Dementia Care
This synthesis report explores the potential of clinical-creative partnerships to enhance dementia care. Spearheaded by Gráinne Hope, Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at GBHI and Director of Music & Health Ireland, the report is informed by a series of cross-disciplinary roundtable discussions. The report identifies key opportunities and makes a set of recommendations to bridge gaps in dementia care across sectors.
Research & Evaluation
Orchestras in Healthcare 2023
Orchestras in Healthcare #2 explores the contribution that orchestras (including those integrated in opera companies) currently make in the public health sector in the UK. This report presents findings from the second UK-wide Orchestras in Healthcare survey (the first survey was undertaken in 2020).
Research & Evaluation
Creative Carers Report: Arts for Health Partnership, West Cork
In 2022, the Arts for Health Partnership developed and delivered Creative Carers, a participatory arts programme strand for and with carers in West Cork. This report explores the research and development phase, programme strands and delivery, and quantitative and qualitative outcomes.
Research & Evaluation
An Evaluation of Tea Chats & Tunes Music Residency
Tea, Chats & Tunes is a collaborative partnership aimed at connecting residents in nursing homes with their families through the power of music. The programme is delivered by Music & Health Ireland. This evaluation highlights the importance of its person-centred approach in strengthening social connections and enhancing the wellbeing of residents.
Research & Evaluation
An Evaluation of Music in Health Workshops Delivered by Music & Health Ireland
This evaluation report sheds light on the impact of staff workshops facilitated as part of the Musicians-On-Call programme in 2022. The report focuses on the ‘Introduction to Music in Healthcare for Healthcare Staff’, exploring the possibilities of supporting staff to learn creative approaches used by professionally trained healthcare musicians to help residents in engaging purposefully with music in their daily care roles.
Research & Evaluation
Choirs in Crisis – Soundbites of Singing through the first year of COVID-19
As an independent adjunct to an online survey investigating singing group leaders’ experiences of online singing sessions during the COVID-19 pandemic, undertaken by the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health, these five cases by Angus McLewin Associates capture some of the ways that community singing groups and choirs managed to keep singing through the first year of COVID-19, from February 2020 to March 2021.
Research & Evaluation
Vocal Beats: External Evaluation Report 2020
Vocal Beats is a hospital-ward-based music project led by rb&hArts for children and young people aged 0-25 years old at Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust.
Research & Evaluation
An evaluation of the WHAT Arts Programme in the Renal Dialysis Unit at UHW – Executive Summary
Waterford Healing Arts Trust has been running an arts programme in the Renal Dialysis Unit at University Hospital Waterford since 2007.
Research & Evaluation
Sing while you work: the wellbeing benefits of workplace choirs
The first study of workplace choirs in Ireland and one of very few studies internationally to explore the health and wellbeing benefits of choirs for Health Service Staff.
Research & Evaluation
Live Music in Care: The Impact of Music Interventions for People Living and Working in Care Home Settings
Live Music Now in partnership with MHA (Methodist Homes), the Orders of St John Care Trust and Winchester University led an enquiry to explore whether weekly music sessions, provided for staff and residents in care homes, support the care home environment to be a place where residents and staff are happy to live and work.
Research & Evaluation
Narratives of health and illness: Arts-based research capturing the lived experience of dementia
This paper presents three artists’ residencies in a geriatric medicine unit in a teaching hospital.
Research & Evaluation
The Bare Necessities of Life – Reactions to Kids’ Classics Live Music in a Children’s Hospital in Ireland
An independent evaluation documenting the evidence of the impact of Kids’ Classics music activities in Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin.
Research & Evaluation
This is an exploratory document which teases out some of the conditions needed for a multi-disciplinary collaborative approach to art making in a mental health setting.
Research & Evaluation
RNCM Medical Notes Project at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
A report on the outcomes of the Medical Notes Project for children, families, musicians and staff at the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital.
Research & Evaluation
Singing and Mental Health
A UK evidence-based guide on the benefits of group singing for mental health and wellbeing.
Research & Evaluation
A report of the second phase of the evaluation of the Music in Healthcare Project, a partnership between Music Network and the Midland Health Board.
Research & Evaluation
A report of the first phase of the evaluation of the Music in Healthcare Project: a partnership between Music Network and the Midland Health Board.
Research & Evaluation
An evaluation report of the first year of Phase 3 of the Music in Healthcare programme: a partnership between Music Network and the Midland Health Board.
Research & Evaluation
A Study of the Effects of the Visual and Performing Arts in Healthcare
The research explores whether visual and performing arts could have an effect on psychological, physiological and biological outcomes of clinical significance.
Research & Evaluation
Evaluation of the Music in Healthcare Project 2000 – 2004
An evaluation of the Music in Healthcare Project: a partnership between Music Network and the Midland Health Board.
Research & Evaluation
Music in Healthcare / Mental Health
An evaluation of the participative music programme designed by Music Network as part of Cork 2005 – European Capital of Culture.
Articles & Documentation (2 results)
Articles & Documentation
THE SINGING BODY: Personal Reflections on an Arts & Health Practice by Sadhbh O’Sullivan
Songwriter and musician Sadhbh O'Sullivan was awarded an artist bursary in 2021 to reflect on her approach to a holistic music and health practice.
Articles & Documentation
Museum of Song Postal Project Songbook
The Museum of Song Postal Project is a song collecting project by artists Tess Leak and Sharon Whooley.
News (45 results)
Thank you for hearing me – Invitation to participate
How do our voices determine how we live in the world.
New Report Highlights Potential of Singing on Wellbeing of Young Refugees
Sing Up Foundation has published a new report, ‘Then the dream started to be more’: Singing and Music-Making with Refugee Children and Unaccompanied Minors: Insights From Research and Practice.
GBHI Creative Brainwaves Talks: Dublin series returns this October
Creative Brainwaves returns to dlr LexIcon in Dublin for a third series of talks and workshops this October, exploring how our engagement in various creative arts can benefit our brain health.
Call for Musicians for Care Home Concerts in Kerry
Kerry County Council invites submissions from professional musicians to deliver a programme of performances within care home settings throughout the county.
Open Call for Musicians: Music & Health Guest Musician Panel 2024-2025
Music & Health Ireland invites professional musicians from all genres and backgrounds to apply to join a Musicians Guest Panel for opportunities within healthcare and community settings across Ireland in 2024-2025.
Irish Doctors Orchestra: September concert in aid of Réalta / Waterford Healing Arts
Medicine will meet music at the Irish Doctors Orchestra’s special fundraising concert on 29 September at the SETU Arena.
Bealtaine Festival Dawn Chorus with Drimoleague Community Choir
The Dawn Chorus is a nationwide choral event in which older people come together with a choir in their locality and sing at dawn to welcome the day and the season.
World Music Therapy Day at Tallaght University Hospital: An Arts & Health and Music Therapy Collaboration
Arts and Health at TUH and the Music Therapy Service hosted vibrant celebrations for World Music Therapy Day in Tallaght University Hospital on Monday 15 April.
Art in Dialysis – Punchestown Kidney Research Fund and amateur jockeys visit Tallaght University Hospital
Tallaght University Hospital runs a varied and vibrant arts programme in the Renal Unit. Patient-centred art and music sessions offer a break from clinical worries patients may have while undergoing their dialysis treatment, and facilitate creative needs within different capacities for individual patients.
Rewire Your Choir: Embracing Neurodiversity – Cork International Choral Festival
Dr Eva McMullan-Glossop is facilitating an interactive workshop as part of Cork International Choral Festival to demonstrate accessible and creative ways to rewire traditional approaches to choral teaching, making the choral rehearsal an enjoyable and accessible space for everyone.
Talk: Collaborative approaches with orchestras in children’s hospices (in-person and online)
St Columba’s Hospice Care in Edinburgh is continuing its series of talks on the Arts in Palliative Care with an exploration of music engagement in children’s hospice settings on 26 April.
Rhythm2Recovery Facilitator Training at University of Limerick
Rhythm2Recovery is delivering a two-day training course in Ireland for professionals working in the health, education and personal development fields.
Irish Doctors Orchestra to perform charity concert at Ulster Hall, Belfast
The all-Ireland Irish Doctors Orchestra are performing at Ulster Hall, Belfast on Sunday 3 March 2024 to raise funds for Children in Northern Ireland, a charity with a focus on learning, collaboration, and influencing to improve outcomes for children, young people, and families.
Songlines: Engaging people with dementia through poetry and song – Webinar
Festival in a Van is hosting an online lunchtime seminar exploring the benefits, challenges, and key learnings of engaging people with dementia through the participatory arts.
Vital Signs on the Road: Delivering Arts to Healthcare Settings – Webinar
Festival in a Van is hosting an online seminar exploring the transformative power of the arts in healthcare settings, with a focus on their Vital Signs tour with Poetry Ireland.
Music in Mind: NCH workshops for young people with kidney disease and their siblings
Are you a young person with end stage kidney disease who would like to have fun exploring your musical ability.
West Cork Feel Good Festival 2023
West Cork Feel Good Festival takes place every autumn, organised by 49 North Street - a creative space in Skibbereen that promotes positive mental health and wellbeing - and a broad range of community partners.
Music in Mind: NCH workshops for young people with kidney disease
Are you a young person with end stage kidney disease who would like to have fun exploring your musical ability.
Music & Care Healthcare Staff Workshops
Music & Health Ireland will present their Music & Care Workshop Day in Limerick and Meath this September.
Job opportunity: Marketing and Communications Executive with Music & Health Ireland
Music & Health Ireland is a not-for-profit organisation that provides high-quality music-making opportunities in educational, healthcare and community settings.
Music Speaks at Nursing Homes Week 2023
Nursing Homes Week is Ireland’s national celebration of nursing home care.
Tea, Chats & Tunes: Connecting Creativity into the heart of Nursing Home Communities
Tea, Chats & Tunes is a collaborative partnership aimed at connecting residents in nursing homes with their families through the power of music, which has yielded significant findings in a recent evaluation.
Introduction to Music in Healthcare and Community Settings
Music and Health Ireland, in association with Réalta, the National Body for Arts + Health in Ireland, is pleased to announce details of its forthcoming Introduction to Music in Healthcare and Community Settings training programme.
Music and Health Ireland presents findings on healthcare staff workshops in Older Persons Services
The Musicians-On-Call programme, initiated by Music & Health Ireland and led by Limerick Arts Office in collaboration with Age Friendly Limerick and Healthy Limerick, is designed to bring the power of music into the lives of older adults in healthcare settings.
Job Opportunity: Financial Accountant with Music and Health Ireland
Music & Health Ireland is a not-for-profit organisation that provides high-quality music-making opportunities in educational, healthcare and community settings.
Job Opportunity: Project Manager with Music and Health Ireland
Music & Health Ireland is a not-for-profit organisation that provides high-quality music-making opportunities in educational, healthcare and community settings.
Waterford Healing Arts issues Open Call for Artists, Musicians, Writers and Dancers
Waterford Healing Arts invites artists of all art forms, including visual artists, musicians, writers and dance artists, to apply to join its Artist Panel.
Réalta, the National Body for Arts + Health in Ireland, seeks Communications Manager and Music Co-ordinator
Réalta, the National Body for Arts + Health in Ireland, has announced details of two new opportunities to join their team.
We will tell everyone! Learning about the experience of living with dementia through song
We will tell everyone! is a song written by a Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) group who have been collaborating with Lisa Kelly on her PhD research on telehealth music therapy for people living with dementia and their supporters.
International Music and Ageing Seminar at MISA, St James’s Hospital
The Discipline of Medical Gerontology in the School of Medicine, Trinity College, Dublin, the Creative Life Hub in the Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing (MISA), St James’s Hospital, and Music & Health Ireland, in association with Bealtaine Festival, have partnered to deliver an international seminar to explore research, education and practice at the intersection between music and ageing.
Call for Musicians: Soothing Sounds Music Programme at Tallaght University Hospital and CHI at Tallaght
Arts & Health at Tallaght University Hospital in collaboration with Children’s Health Ireland at Tallaght are inviting musicians to apply to be a Musician in Healthcare in TUH and CHI at Tallaght.
Good Vibrations: Making music in mental health settings – Well Festival Workshop
Waterford Healing Arts Trust is delivering a practical CPD workshop for musicians working in mental health settings, or interested in doing so, as part of the Well Festival of Arts & Wellbeing 2023.
Dementia and Creativity Awareness Talks at dlr LexIcon, Dún Laoghaire
dlr LexIcon, Dún Laoghaire is hosting a series of talks, co-ordinated by the Global Brain Health Institute, highlighting the impact and benefit of creativity in the lives of people with dementia.
Irish Doctors Orchestra plays UCD Astra Hall to raise funds for Safetynet Primary Care
The all-Ireland Irish Doctors Orchestra will play UCD’s Astra Hall on Sunday 13 November to raise funds for Safetynet Primary Care.
Running an Inclusive Community Choir: Free Workshop by Embrace Music
Suitable for both new and experienced facilitators, this workshop facilitated by Embrace Music will explore ways of creating a welcoming and inclusive space for community singing.
Creative and Social Programme for Carers of People Living with Dementia
dlr Libraries are running an interactive and engaging programme this autumn specifically designed with carers in mind.
Brightly Burning Flame: Justin Grounds and the Irish Doctors Orchestra
In June 2022, after two years of working through the pandemic, members of the Irish Doctors Orchestra met together on Heir Island off the coast of West Cork for a week of music making.
Social Singing, Health and Wellbeing: Current Practice, Insights and Reflection
Social Singing, Health and Wellbeing is a special journal supplement of Health Promotion International, guest edited by Prof Helen Phelan, Prof Hilary Moss, Dr Hannah Fahey and Prof Stephen Clift.
Beside the Sea at Riverbank Arts Centre
Beside the Sea is a new music performance by composer Ian Wilson, written in response to his father’s death after a long battle with Alzheimer’s.
New Music Director sought for Bantry Community Choir
Bantry Community Choir is recruiting for a new Music Director.
The Road of Life: Music and Songwriting Experiences for Older People
Over this summer and autumn, older people across the country have the opportunity to take part in new creative initiatives that are being delivered by Age Friendly Ireland.
Sing to Beat Parkinson’s: Online Training for Singing Leaders
Sing to Beat Parkinson’s (STBP) is delivering an online training programme for existing and potential singing leaders working with people living with Parkinson’s in November 2022.
An introduction to Music in Healthcare for musicians in Athy
Embrace Music, in association with Creative Places Athy, invite expressions of interest from Athy-based musicians to participate in a two-day Introduction to Music in Healthcare training course on 15 and 16 September.
Music in Healthcare Settings: Introductory 3-Day Course for Musicians in Meath and Louth
Music in Healthcare Settings is a three-day introductory course led by Music & Health Ireland, taking place from 26-28 August.
An Open Door for Bealtaine in West Cork
An Open Door for Bealtaine is an informal musical gathering presented by 49 North Street in association with MusicAlive and the Skibbereen Family Resource Centre.