The all-of-government Creative Ireland Programme, Healthy Ireland, the Health Service Executive and the Arts Council co-hosted a national symposium in 2022 on the positive benefits of creativity and the arts to health and wellbeing at the Royal College of Physicians in Dublin.
At the symposium, policy-makers and practitioners from the health, arts and culture sectors considered how best to harness the powerful contribution creative engagement can make to our health and wellbeing. Catherine Martin TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and Stephen Donnelly TD, Minister for Health both addressed the audience and jointly affirmed their recognition of the health and wellbeing benefits of creativity and arts.
Three expert panel discussions were led by journalist Olivia O’Leary and two short videos showcased creativity in action in both an acute and a community hospital setting.
This report includes an overview of the symposium and panel discussions, a full event recording, individual recordings of the ministerial addresses, and videos of creativity in action showcased at the event.
Creative Ireland
Arts and health