Eleanor Moore
Principal Community Worker,
Cork South Community Work Department,
Cork Kerry Community Healthcare
Block 49
St. Finbarr’s Hospital
Douglas Road
T12 XH60
Dance, Film, Literature, Multidisciplinary, Music, Theatre, Visual Art
Mission / Aims
Cork Arts and Health Programme (CAHP) is a HSE initiative based in the South Lee (Cork) Community Work Department. CAHP aims to promote the arts and health agenda within the health and related NGO sectors. It operates in the context of a social model of health and focuses on contextualising the work vis-à-vis issues such as social inclusion, health and wellbeing, community development etc.
Eleanor Moore is the HSE South representative for arts and health.
Areas of activities
Areas of activities include:
• the provision of grant aid to support strategic arts and health interventions in health and health-related voluntary/community sector settings in Cork city and county. It is especially interested in co-funding projects with other partners
• developing links/relationships with non HSE statutory agencies, voluntary/community sector organisations, artists and arts groups/organisations with a view to promoting the arts and health agenda
• working to maximising the resources available (including funding) to facilitate specific interventions
• supporting the development of formal and informal networking/information sharing opportunities for arts and health practitioners in the Cork region
• supporting the development of good and innovative practice within the sector
• developing options vis-à-vis training/education needs of healthcare services personnel in relation to arts and health work
• promoting the arts and health agenda within the HSE (locally and nationally)
• providing facilitation, organisational and project development support to groups/organisations developing arts and health initiatives.