Local Authority
Melanie Scott, Arts Officer
0761 065000
Web address
Tipperary County Council,
Civic Offices,
Limerick Road,
Co. Tipperary, E45 A099
Dance, Film, Literature, Multidisciplinary, Music, Theatre, Visual Art
Mission / Aims
Tipperary County Council Arts Service engages with local artists, health and disability agencies and community sectors to promote and support partnerships in the establishment and development of arts and health initiatives with the intention of increasing access to and participation in the arts across a range of settings.
Areas of activities
To date Arts and Health projects have been included as part of the annual arts programme. This includes the Tipperary Bealtaine Programme, Dance Programmes and Youth Arts Programmes. Arts and Health Projects have also received funding through grant schemes such as The Arts Act Grant Scheme, Tipperary Creative Ireland Programme and Tipperary Festivals & Events Scheme.